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Parking bays widened for bigger cars, says NCP

November 23, 2016

No of Views : 1333

NCP said there was an "extremely fine balance" between the demand for wider spaces and the need to maximize the number of spots. Honestly, parking a car or finding a place for it at different or most visited and important place is basically a universal problem. This problem has become even more with the growing population of the world. National Car Parks which is also known as NCP told that, it had widened some bays in London, Bournemouth and Manchester to cope with the popularity of increasingly large cars. Car parking spaces are having to be made bigger to meet the growing size of family cars and 4x4s, the United Kingdom's largest car park provider has said. Moreover, the standard parking space in the UK is 15.7ft (4.8m) in length, by 7.8ft (2.4m) in width. However, the latest models of the Audi Q7, Land Rover Discovery, BMW X5 and the Mercedes GL-Class are all longer than 4.8m, while many smaller models have also increased in size. Accident Exchange, which loans courtesy cars, estimated there had been a 35% rise in parking accidents since 2014. However, it told the Times: "We are moving towards making the bays wider as we recognize that vehicles are growing in size, especially SUVs." Lastly, National Car Parks have told the Times it planned to widen parking bays "wherever possible".